English Language Challenge

 I used to think that this subject was going to take most of my time, but I started to realize that it felt
like a moment where I can distract myself and relax from all the subjects that I have, and also, the Miss helps with that feeling, she was always excited in teaching us, with dynamic and funny ways of learning. She liked to joke with us and also she always understood our tiredness after a long day. The blog was not a boring homework, the topics were always interesting and funny to discuss with my partners. 

About my English, I don’t know what specifically I can improve, because I think it is not a good at all, in fact, I fail in many aspects like understanding some words in the listening’s or using some connectors, for that, I’m thinking in taking a summer course or something like that.

I have to admit that I don’t use the English usually, only for listening to music or to read a scientific paper, but usually, I have to use “Word Reference” to understand it correctly, I hope to perfect my English someday to travel the world.

Finally, I must thank Miss Zagal for this semester, it was pleasure learning English with her.


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