Changes to my study program


Hey guys! Well, today I want to talk about some changes that I would make in my career that I am studying, Odontology. I am in the third semester in the Universidad de Chile. A career of high prestige above others. With a duration of 6 years and a very complete study plan, with the idea that we will have a scientific base for the odontology work, but, with a critical look I think that with that focus we lose some of the practice side that this career needs, in fact there are a lot of things that are not necessary to learn. Secondly, workload usually turns stressful, and it affects our mental health, but with this, I am not saying that is teachers’ fault.

About infrastructure and technology, my university has not the best technologies of this time, but it works with the purpose of learning. In terms of infrastructure, there could be more green areas and dressing rooms… and in technology, I think that in pre clinic the “mannequins” are too old, because they usually do not work well.

With all these things I do not want to make a destructive criticism, I am only giving my opinion of some of the things that could get better in the future to improve learning in our faculty.


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